How do I start working with Holly?
Reach out to me via my Contact page…I look forward to connecting!
What is the difference between counseling & coaching?
Counseling is more reflective, and introspective in nature. It can be used to address diagnosable mental health issues. It can also be used for personal growth. It is not time-bound and is limited to clients in Alaska only.
Coaching involves specific action steps towards client-driven concrete goals. Coaches serve as confidants, cheerleaders, and accountability partners. The coaching relationship is time bound and clients can be anywhere in the world to engage and participate.
What if I don’t identify as someone in need of “therapy?”
I love this question as one of my goals in life is to de-stigmatize mental health, thereby making the awesome professionals working in this field accessible to everyone! I believe therapy is for everyone and is one of the best forms of self care one can engage in.
That is why, one of the first things I do when I have a new client in my office is show them a picture of the Women’s US Ski Team. I say, “see that picture?” Every single girl on that poster has someone to talk to that isn’t their teammate, coach, boss, parent, professor or partner. That’s right, each one.
The beauty of a therapeutic relationship is that there is no judgement, no retaliation, and no gossip train. We are professional secret keepers which makes the therapy space freaking awesome. You can process your deepest thoughts with me rather than catastrophizing (thinking of the worst case scenario, always) your story in your own head.
Do you bill insurance?
The short answer is, no. But if you are engaging in therapy services, my services are billable to insurance as an “out of network provider.” Fees are due at time of service and I will provide clients with a monthly “superbill” which is a receipt for insurance reimbursement. Please check your mental health benefits and get instructions on how to self submit before engaging in therapy practices. When calling you can inquire specifically about CPT codes 90791 (intake appointment) and 90837 (regular appointment). Coaching services are out of pocket costs.
Other questions?
Hit me up via my Contact page. No such thing as a wrong or bad question!